Aide et conseilspour récupérer ton ex !

Venez parler de tout le reste...
Coucou, c'est Antoine ! Mon équipe et moi-même avons créé un test qui te permet de déterminer avec précision tes chances de reconquérir ton ex. Fais le test en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous !

J'accède au test

Sur ce, je te souhaite de passer une bonne fin de soirée, je vais me poser au chaud sous la couette et poursuivre ma lecture de "l'Estime de Soi" (ça peu pas me faire de mal lol) de Christophe andré & François lelord et poupouiller mes deux boules de poils.

D'avance passe également une bonne nuit et fais de doux rêves, je t'embrasse Willy :)

A plushhhhhh

En bonus, les 2 boules de poiles :

Fuma :

Inoué :

Voila, comme ça tu connais la composition de mon foyer lol
IWillSurvive a écrit :
Azerty1234 a écrit :temps que c'est que ma bouille :p
Ah, j'avais loupé ça! (rires). Non merci, ça va, pour le reste... :lol:
C'est pas que j'ai l'esprit mal placé hein !? mais ta chanson me rappeler clairement un autre air ^^'

Ps : non non j'étais clean de mémoire (enfin me semble, maintenant la question se pose plus ^^) mais c'est bien mon regard naturel :)

Ps2 : aller je me déconnecte pour de bon, à plus tard (comment ça demain ? :D) ;)
If you want i can try, but my English isn't perfect, for understand that's you write it's not a probleme, but for express myself i need to use Google sometime :D

It's because my brain is lazy and if i have the choise of language i have some difficult, but when i am in other country strangely i haven't any prob.

A good exercice is to play at a game in English or with a big english's community ;)
Today past not bad, my radiator shutting down but it's back to normality (fortunately, i don't like when it's was cold :D)

I have find an other drive school, i take few day for think at that's but they have some place for half February, that's can be a solution ! :)

A little bit of blues because i have think at my past girlfriend, and also i know she is with the dumbass at Tours this weekend, but it will go better sunday evening :p when she was back at her home.

(i hope you understand that's i write :D)

Ps : no habla espagnol :p but Ich kann Deutsch sprechen (or not, i have sleep in all lesson during 4 year xD)
hahaha helloooo :)
Me too i decided to improve my english even if i don't really like ^^ it's true, it's necessary. ^^
I have a lot of crazy ideas recently :p
So how are you friends ? In fact i don't know you yet but it's never too late :D

Io posso anche parlare in italiano ma ho un po dimenticato ^^ Devo ancora migliorare.
Ve Turkçe az biliyorum, ogrenmek istiyorum ama biraz zor, zamanla olacak
hahaah you seem crazy and funny ! i like that ! :)

My name is Morgane, nice to meet you ! I'm fine too ! :p
I think you are here ( on the forum) since a longtime, isn't ? :) You seem to feel good !!

Crazy ideas about my life :) I'm fed up of my studies so i think in few months i will go on an adventure . Maybe for aupair or try to become cabin crew ! just to change my life :D

What about you ? :p

maou maaa miou ( i can speak cat too :) )
IWillSurvive a écrit : "My old boo, my old boo, my old boo"...Don't think about it too much, it's useless. Courage!
I know but it's hard to never think at she, in reality, there is not a day I do not think about she ... but it's also beacause i'm alway single, when i find another woman for who i feel something it will be different
A force d'oublier pour avancer, pour éviter les rechutes stériles et pour ne pas froisser l'amoureuse d'aujourd'hui, on finit par effacer l'amour qui a péri.
IWillSurvive a écrit :Ich liebe keinen Deutschen, das gehört zu kalten Zungen für mich. Verstehst du das, was ich gerade gesagt habe? Lachen.
Just the four first words :D
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